Get Active
Physical fitness is not just about losing weight, it’s about living better. However, while these resolutions are created with good intentions, they often lack specific and measurable targets. My recommendation is to look at ways you can incorporate physical fitness into your daily routine, into things you’re already doing. For example, many of us need to travel a certain distance to get to work. What if you took transit or biked or walked to work instead of drove to work?
Caring for a baby is rewarding – and hard work. Like other kinds of work that require lifting, bending, long periods of sitting, and repetitive motions, it can be harmful to your body. Try these simple tips to prevent problems before they begin.
Everyone knows about chiropractic care for the professional athlete. Every professional hockey and football team has a team chiropractor or a team of chiropractors on hand because injury and extreme physical stress is par for the course. Young athletes, however, are in greater need for chiropractic care than their adult counterparts.
Each year, ParticiPACTION, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Canadian sit less and move more, rates how much physical activity children in Canada are getting. In 2016, our rating was a big fat D-, consistent with our recent years’ results. While many children participate in organized sports or physical activities, only 37% of 11-15 year […]
Many women are hesitant about exercising while pregnant due to concern over the risks. Research has shown, however, that exercise is actually safe and beneficial for both the mother and baby. It does not increase your risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, or early delivery. In fact, as long as you feel fine, you can […]