About Us

Hello! I'm Iona and I'm the founder of A Healthy Beginning
When I first became a mom nearly 10 years ago, I wanted to make sure the skin care I was using on myself and my baby were natural, non-toxic and eco-friendly. But when I looked at the products available on the market, there were very few options that truly met these criteria.

By then, I had already worked for more than 15 years in the sustainability field, including in toxic chemical management. I knew most products sold in North American stores had ingredients that were often toxic or not well tested, because North American laws on body care products are much weaker than other countries in the world.
After I became pregnant, I set out to make my own skincare products that would be safe for me and my family, give us amazing and healthy skin, and protect the environment.

Today, I am proud our line of all-natural skincare products have been time-tested by thousands of customers in Canada, the US, and other countries across the world and they genuinely love them.
Our customers keep coming back because they know the quality of our products is incomparable. Every ingredient has been carefully chosen, is safe and well-researched, and actually works. We also minimize plastic packaging and offer refills.
Your skin deserves only the best. Restore and rebalance your skin with our all-natural, clean and green ingredients.
If you are new to A Healthy Beginning, welcome! We are excited you are here and we know once you try our products, you will love them too!